“The true essence of Martial Arts means practising them in a way that they will be useful at anytime, and to teach them in a way that they will be useful in all things.” –  Miyamoto Musashi


A true community is not just about being close to someone or part of the same network. It’s about being connected and responsible for what happens. Humanity is our community and everyone plays a role.

We’re all about community! We offer children and young people the chance to be part of something special. They’ll have access to first-class fitness and martial arts training, improving their health and well-being with the support of our club.

Our commitment starts with developing each individual, but extends much wider than that: to our community, our city, and the wider world.


“No human has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical well-being. It is a shame for a human to grow old without realising the beauty and strength of which their body is capable.” – Socrates

Put simply, we believe that everyone should have the chance to have martial arts in their life. Jujitsu is taught in a controlled contact environment and promotes both character and physical development.

All our teachers, including the resident teacher, donate their time voluntarily. That’s because we all believe in the power of martial arts training to improve fitness and well-being. 


“Your body will be around a lot longer than your expensive clothes. Invest in yourself.”

We offer weekend classes for different age groups (from 4 years). If your child would like to try a class, the first one is free!  We are an unincorporated association. This means that all our registered members own the club.

 Our aim is to serve the community. All the money generated is invested into the club and pays for our expenses, such as rent. We have been supported by Bradford Council, Sport England and local businesses.



Class Fees




Club Suit (GI)


All Payments are made directly into the bank.


“Your body is the engine, your mind is the engineer.” – Gymaholic

We believe that your child’s overall well-being – both psychological and physical – can be strengthened through jujitsu. There’s no doubt about the physical benefits of martial arts training for your child’s general health.

But it also improves their emotional health by increasing self-esteem and self-confidence, and decreasing tension, stress, anxiety and depression. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Self Defence







Physical fitness

SELF esteem


Teaching System

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own.” 

 – Bruce Lee

Karma Ju-jitsu is a member of the World Ju-jitsu Federation (WJJF) (www.wjjf.co.uk), a recognized international governing body. We teach and study the official WJJF syllabus, which uses belts. Our syllabus targets the developmental stages of each age group and consists of technical jujitsu as well as a strong focus on fitness.

Our training is influenced by numerous arts including Jujitsu, Brazilian jujitsu, Wing Chun, Akhido, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Yoga and Movement. We have a very open approach to learning, giving everyone a chance to explore and push the boundaries when it comes to fitness, health and well-being.

We work with other clubs to offer additional classes in other disciplines.


“Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it” 

– Lau Tzu

MyLahore support Community Club

A well-established jujitsu club in Bradford has been gaining great success after working in partnership with West Yorkshire Sport to engage workplaces and members of the local community in physical activity. With the recent backing of the Bradford-based food chain...

read more


None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.”

– Mother Teresa

If you’re looking to partner or support a local sporting club, look no further.

Like you, we’re in tune with our members

Like you, we’re quick to respond and evolve

Like you, we’re unafraid to tread new ground

Like you, we’re alive to new opportunities
A partnership with us is so much more than basic brand promotion. The qualities you want to see in the workplace – leadership, vision, confidence, team-building – are exactly the qualities we nurture in our young people.

If you like the sound of our philosophy, talk to us. We can tailor a partnership package that’s exactly right for you.For further information contact



“We are stronger when we listen and smarter when we share.”

– Rania Al Abdullah

Claremont Centre, 13-15 Claremont, Bradford, BD7 1BG

07960 864240


Karma Jujitsu


